Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Remember When...

Baby Bella,

I remember when
you used to chew on
gum your foam bath
         alphabet letters

I remember when
     you used to cry, a lot
& Grandpa Birgensmith called you a
             {I did not spell that right}

I remember when
    you only used my
       as a pacifier.

I remember when
   you learned to growl
{thanks to your Aunite}
               at six months old.

I remember when
        you tried
             for the first time
{I have never seen a baby so discontent over food}

I remember when
you started crawling under
           everthing in sight
You would always bonk your head
         but {keep doing it} all over again.

I remember when
         you ate your
first personal birthday cake
       with your {face} only

I remember when
      you would {pull, rip & shred}
all of the newspapers & magazines
         on the floor

I remember when
you had your first bath
            in the hospital
& {I cried} because you hated it.

I remember when
you'd finally fall asleep on my chest
  after fussing for
what seemed like hours
           & I was terrified to move,
  in {fear of waking you}

I remember when
I put {eye liner} on your nose
         for Halloween,
you made the cutest little kitty.

I remember when
                     {Cousin Kelli}
was taking baby pictures,
& you were being the smilest girl.
 {Later we found out
       you peed all over the couch...}

I remember when
You loved your whale tub
         & I'd let you get a
gallon of water
                 all over the floor
{just because} you loved splashing.

I remember when
you smiled in your sleep
               for the first time,
{I always wondered what you thought of}

I remember when
    we tried to
fit you into a pumpkin,
   you were quite unsure of the
{slimy, orange, goo}

I remember when
we took you to
it was the first public place you visited
    I couldn't wait to {show you off}
          && everyone was Oohing & Ahhing.

I remember when
we decorated your room
                for Christmas.
{Mommy even put presents
under your own personal tree}

I remember when
you'd sleep with your
             neck bent
in unsual, pretty painful looking positions
        & liked it.

I remember when
you'd wake {us} up in the morning
         with your soft, baby voice
repeating "Ba ba ba ba ba...."

I remember when
you used to play in this
         activity center
& could barely reach the toys...

      you're far too big,
& can grasp the toys
       {with ease}

But you still love that activity center
          {just} like you did a year ago.

Time doesn't make us love {things} any less,
       we just age. grow up. mature.
We're never too old
   to still do the things we love.

Baby Bella,
You are getting older,
       I cannot change that.
But you are more than welcome
to play with your infant toys,
                 & make me
"Remember when"
any day.
Remember when
I held you for the first time,
& said "I love you baby girl"
a tear fell down my face.

as I hold you
            {while your sleeping}
& say "I love you baby girl" again....
a tear falls down my face.

Because I love you still,
      I always have &
               always will.

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