Monday, October 3, 2011

Pore Peel: A Tutorial

Tired of spending tons of money on products
      to reduce/remove pores!?
Well look no more...

{totally kidding, haha...}

Another wonderful idea I found on
&& decided to try it,
            why not!? :)

* small microwavable bowl
* makeup brush or Q-tip
* 1 tsp unflavored Gelatin
* 1 tsp milk

Easy right? ...Cheap?

Step ONE: add 1 tsp of gelatin to your small bowl

Step TWO: add 1 tsp of milk to your small bowl

Step THREE: Stir milk & gelatin

Step FOUR: heat in the microwave for approx 10 seconds, until the mixture becomes a thick liquid.

Step FIVE: once hot, but not unbearable.. apply to your face with a Q-tip.

Step SIX: Wait 10 minutes, then peel off
       {I didn't realize this might actually hurt a bit, this gelatin is some serious stuff!}

PS. I realize this is quite an unattractive picture
but I'm hoping that most of you
                who take time to read this,
are all nice people
       & won't make fun of me...

&& for the men reading this,
I apologize, but this is how us girls look
                                when getting
"ready for bed" or "cleaned up"
            See what you make us do?!
It's not pretty...  

After I finished this peel
   I cleansed my face
& applied lotion.


Stadium Seat

Setting: Homecoming Volleyball Game

Watching: Auntie Bug

Pants: Childrens Place
Shirt: Target
Jacket: Target
Boots: Target {courtesy of Grandma GG}
Ponytails: Courtesy of your's truly
Smile: A signature Baby Bella trait

Stadium Seat =
     Not just for Grandpas