&& I love Nike.
As most of my readers do too
I'm sure.
Before Baby Bella was born
her father went shopping in Missoula
brought a pair of Nikes home.
Ever since that day
I've been waiting to
put them on her little feet.
I boldly attempted to try
when she started walking
at 10 months old
But for obvious reasons
they were way too big.
Just yesterday Baby Bella's
daycare teacher requested
"Closed Toed Shoes"
for the playground.
I immediately questioned
whether I even had tennis shoes
that still fit her.
{I had bought her a size 4
pair of baby pink Nike Shocks
but they got outgrown fast}
Then I rememberd
that little Nike box up in her closet.
That has been collecting dust
for over {two} years!
Check it out...

She loves them, they fit
&& they look adorable.
I was such a proud Momma
when I dropped her off
at daycare the next day...
You know why

My little baby girl is